Nurses in Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar Benefits Package and Salary Scale Guideline


The salary for nurses in Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar may vary by hospital and by position. Nurses are salaried and paid by the end of each month. The salary depend on nurse’s qualifications, area of specialty, years of experience and other skills a nurse may have to suit the position. Salary in the Middle East is paid in local currency and is Tax Free (salary quoted in contract is what you take home). This income in most countries is Tax Exempted completely and in some countries it is partially exempted (please try to contact relevant Tax Authority in your country to find out more). Or, feel free to get in touch for general guidelines and clarification. Please click for a list of current nursing jobs available in Saudi ArabiaUAE and Qatar.


Nursing Category/TitleSalary Range in US Dollars ($)
Staff Nurse3,500 to 5,000
Specialty Nurse

Clinical Instructor / Nurse Educator

Head Nurse / Nurse Manager

Director of Nursing / Assistant Director of Nursing

4,000 to 6,000

4,500 to 7,000

5,000 to 8,000

8,000 to 15,000


A) Type / Status

It is a single status contract (unaccompanied), accordingly cannot take any family member along.

B) Contract Benefits

  1. Initial Hire Transportation: One-way initial hire economy class airline ticket with routing Point of Origin to Point of Hire
  2. Initial Hire Relocation AllowanceDepending on a hospital, an expatriate employee might receive a relocation allowance to assist in defraying the costs associated with extra luggage. This will be paid upon initial hire and payment will be based on the employee’s point of origin and contract status. Some hospitals do not provide such allowance.
  3. Housing: Suitable furnished accommodation will be provided free of charge, depending on position’s grade, though, most hospitals offer shared accommodation (a colleague of similar grade) some hospitals offer a “studio like” apartment unshared.
  4. Initial Contract: The initial employment agreement will be for a period of 12 or 24 consecutive months and will be renewed thereafter upon mutual agreement by the Hospital and the employee
  5. End of Service Indemnity: Two (2) week pay for each year of service completed
  6. Additional Bonuses:
    • End of Contract Bonus (Nil to Four week pay) for each year of service completed (vary by hospital)
    • Contract Renewal Bonus (Nil to Four week pay) for each year of service completed (vary by hospital)
    • Sign-On Bonus (some hospitals)

C) Annual Leaves, Holidays and Other leaves

  1. Thirty (30) to thirty six (36) calendar days annual paid vacation (vary by hospital)
    1. The Annual Leave Transportation (Economy Class Round Trip Ticket) will be provided from Point of Hire to Point of Origin
    2. There is a standard three (3) month probationary period for all employees and an employee can book to take their vacation time once this period is over
    3. Employee on one-year contract will be entitled to annual leave ticket only if s/he signs a subsequent contract. Otherwise s/he will be provided with repatriation ticket only.
    4. Employee on two-year contract may utilize annual leave ticket upon completion of minimum of nine months from the beginning of the said service year. In this case, if the employee resigns before the completion of contract, he will reimburse the cost of such ticket to the Hospital
    5. Employee on two-year contract maybe be entitled to annual leave ticket for the second service year upon completing nine months from the beginning of the said service year if s/he signs a subsequent contract
  2. Official Holidays (10-18 days, vary by hospital)
    • Ramadan Days (5-7 days/service year)
    • Haj Days (5-10 days/service year)
    • National Day (1 day/service year)
  3. Emergency (Compassionate) Leave: Most hospitals, in the event of the death of an employee’s parent, spouse or child, the employee might be provided a three days leave with pay. For an expatriate employee or expatriate dependent employee who may be required to travel to the home country, the leave with pay is seven (7) days and the employee will not be provided with the ticket. Acceptable documentary evidence should be furnished when application is made.

D) Medical Care Benefits:

Basic medical care, including drugs and medications associated with such treatment would be provided to all employees. Emergency dental care will be provided for employees as stipulated in their employment contract.

E) Termination / End of Contract Benefit:

The employee must inform the Hospital at least sixty to ninety calendar days prior to the effective date of the proposed termination. A resignation prior to the 240th day of the employee’s service year will be subject to a penalty equivalent to 15 days severance benefits. The length of employment will determine the benefits payable to the employee. Regular employee shall be entitled to severance benefit up to 15 days for the first four (4) years of continuous service, and 30 days for each subsequent year of continuous service.


Working ConditionsUSA/Canada           Middle East
Vacation Time (calendar days)21 days54 days
Working hours (average)44 hrs44 hrs
Sub TotalMore quality time
Income (Average annual)USA/Canada           Middle East
Salary$60,000$48,000 (average)
End of Contract Bonus$00.00$2,000 (2 week pay for each year)
Annual Vacation (Airfare)$00.00$2,000
Sub Total (Income)$60,000$52,000
Expenses (Average Annual)USA/Canada           Middle East
Housing ($1250/month x12)$15,000$00.00
Utilities ($100 /month x12)$1,200$00.00
Medical Expenses$1,800$00.00
Living expense (grocery, etc at 10%)$$6,000$4,800
Taxes (25%)$15,000$00.00
Sub Total (Expense)$41,000$4,800
Package average savings$19,000$47,200+ More Quality Time

*This is a sample to give you an idea when comparing offer