The year 2030

Location: Toronto

Question: How far fetched is this scenario?

John a 56 years old male in good health and no history of major health problems. Last medical check-up was just over a year ago, apart from slightly elevated cholesterol levels, all seems normal. A light smoker and a causal drinker, John seems like a healthy person. John went to bed the night before happy; had a great evening, his team, Maple Leafs had just won NHL’s world’s series. Woke up in the morning getting ready to go to work, looking forward to his day, after all the Leafs have not won the cup since 1967.

While getting ready, John felt a sharp pain in his chest. Then felt light headed and started sweating. He, woke up his wife, told her about how he’s feeling. She got up, fired off the laptop and turned on “MedApp” (“MedApp” an AI Health System that OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Program) been working on for the last a few years. They collected population’s health information to improve services delivery in a personalized health care system (a proactive AI Concierge Medicine type). This System was launched only a week ago. During John’s last visit to GP’s office, information was collected to establish a baseline including a body and face recognition reading saved in personal profile).

Immediately, the camera turned on and the Face-Body Recognition AI Software start reading John’s body language and face features, and comparing with normal patterns already in the system. “MedApp” recognized, John is under stress and is not feeling well. “MedApp” instructed John to bring the First Aid Kit, given to him by his GP. The kit includes a strip to attach to chest (just over the heart) to read: Vital signs along with ECG pattern. John was also instructed to use another device in the kit, a clip like to put on index finger to read: oxygen level in blood. Results were transmitted to “MedApp” for preliminary diagnosis. “MedApp” interpretation: “John is in stress and seems to be having a minor MI (Myocardial Infraction)”. “MedApp” mobilizes immediately a Self-Driving Ambulance based at a fire station nearby (in Toronto, Fire Stations are positioned strategically in locations allowing them to reach any location in about 5 minutes). Meanwhile, “MedApp”, alerts John’s GP and closest Hospital’s ER Department. John was asked to get ready, ambulance on it’s way to bring him to hospital, only one person can accompany him.

Ambulance arrived and an “Auto Motorized Chair” discharged from Ambulance, equipped with a camera allowing “MeadApp” to keep monitoring John’s situation. While in the ambulance, a “Robophlabatomy” collected a blood sample and ran cardiac enzymes profile along with troponin levels tests. Results shared with ER Team at the hospital, whom by now, are waiting to receive John and ready to perform a life saving procedure!

Question: Do you think, we’ll ’be there in a 10 years time?

Published initially on LinkedIn 18 August, 2020