Organ Transplant Center of Excellence
General Information
The King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (General Organization) (KFSH&RC-Gen Org) is a tertiary care, state of the art Hospital situated in the cities of Riyadh and Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and accredited by the Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCIA). Our combined bed capacity of 1,331 is dispersed over three locations. KFSH&RC is the national referral of sub-specialties for Oncology, Organ Transplantation, Cardiovascular Diseases, Neurosciences and Genetic Diseases.
The Organ Transplant Centre at KFSH&RC provides multi-disciplinary tertiary care for patients with organ failure and surgical treatment including transplantation for conditions that affect the liver, kidney, Lung pancreas and small bowel. The Centre has one of the largest pediatric liver transplant programs worldwide, also considered one of the leading centers in the world in Robotic surgeries.
•Liver transplant program ranked 1st in the volume of living donor liver transplant out of 137 liver transplant centers in the USA
•The lung transplant program is the only comprehensive program in the region that performs lung transplant and manages patients with various end stage lung diseases.
•The pancreas Transplant Program was fully activated in 2014.
Hospital Location
Riyadh, the capital and largest city of Saudi Arabia, is situated in the center of the an-Nafud desert on the Najd plateau.
Departments & Services
Transplantation care
- High-risk open Laparotomy surgeries in hemodialysis patients
- High-risk complicated repeat open liver surgery in pediatric & adult patients
- High-risk complicated repeat opens renal surgery in pediatric & adults.
- High-risk complicated repeat Hepatobiliary Surgeries in pediatric & adults.
- Open Laparotomy surgeries in patients with multiple chronic diseases.
Liver Transplant Program
- Intestinal Transplant Program
- Lung Transplant Program
- Pancreas Transplant Program
- Kidney Transplant Program

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